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Contact Us
Physical Address:
300 1st Street West
Park Rapids, MN 56470
Park Rapids, MN 56470
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 231
Park Rapids, MN 56470
Email Address:
Park Rapids, MN 56470
Email Address:
General Bank Telephone: (218) 732-3393
Toll Free: 1-800-362-6308
Bookkeeping: (218) 732-0263
24-hour Phone Banking: (218) 732-0157 or 1-888-244-7262
Fax: (218) 732-9158
Minnesota Relay Telephone Numbers:
You may dial 7-1-1 and be connected to Minnesota Relay. Once connected to the relay service, tell the Communications Assistant the type of relay call you wish to make (i.e. TTY, HCO, VCO, STS, Spanish, etc.).
While the 7-1-1 access number is easy to remember, dialing the direct toll-free number for a specific type of relay call may result in faster connections because the call does not need to be transferred.
TTY, Voice,ASCII, Hearing Carry Over: 1-800-627-3529
CapTel (single-line): To contact a person who uses a single-line CapTel, dial 1-877-243-2823 and then enter the telephone number of the CapTel user.
Speech-to-Speech: 1-877-627-3848
Voice Carry Over: 1-877-627-3024
Two-Line Voice Carry Over: 1-866-855-4611
Spanish Relay: 1-877-627-5448
900 Pay-Per-Call: 1-900-230-3324
Lost or Stolen Visa Check Card: 1-800-423-7503 (Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week)
Lost or Stolen Shazam Debit Cards: 1-800-383-8000
Shazam Falcon Alerts (ITS Inc): 1-866-508-2693
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